jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Third blog entry

What is the different between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching techniques and teaching strategies?

To know what are the different between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching technique and teaching strategies we have to know first each meaning.

Teaching approach
Teaching approach refers to a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. In others word teaching approach help teacher to help students to learn the language.

Teaching method
Teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction.  Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. The choice of teaching method or methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students.

Teaching technique
Teaching technique is systematic procedure, formula, or routine by which a ta is accomplished besides It is a particular trick, procedure to accomplish an immediate objective. In other words are the different activities the teachers do to help students to do a task.

Teaching strategies
Teaching strategies is generalized plan for a lesson or lessons which include structure, desired learner behavior, in terms of the goals of instruction and an outline of tactics necessary to implement the strategy. It also includes all approaches that a teacher may take to actively engage students in learning. These strategies drive a teacher's instruction as they work to meet specific learning objectives. Effective instructional strategies meet all learning styles and development needs of the learners.

Based on the definition of teaching approach, teaching method, teaching technique and teaching strategies I can indentify the difference between them are:
I learned that teaching approach is a set of theories and principles about the nature of language and language learning in other words teaching approach is refers to the teacher’s philosophies and belief about how is he going to help students to learn the language.  Teaching method is the way teacher apply these theories and principles also method is the plan that teachers use to present the language material to be learned for students.  Teaching technique are the tools and the tasks that teachers use to make their method succeed that is to say that teaching technique is a very specific trick or procedure designed to accomplish an immediate objective. Teaching strategy is a general plan that help teachers to reach the overall objectives also  strategies require teachers to link multiple tactics and techniques to achieve a higher goal. Based on that an approach is transfer into the method that contains the techniques with series of procedures and strategies that teachers implement to accomplish the objectives to help students to learn the language.
To conclude what I can say is that approach, method technique and strategy need to be applied for teachers in order to accomplish the educational aims.

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Second blog entry

Most important purpose in education  is "Self fulfillment"

To understand why self fulfillment is the most important purpose in education, first we have to analyze the meaning of self fulfillment.  Self fulfillment is defined as the ability to make yourself happy and complete through your own efforts in other words is  the motivation to realize one's own maximum potential  and possibilities to be success in life.

We all know that Education is very necessary for human in order to articulate themselves and achieve fullness. Education is concerned with the full development of the individual's powers and potentialities in addition education help students to set their minds free from ignorance also education  gives students the tools needed in order to help them to reach their power and potentialities to be successful in their  life.

As Maria Montessori said "To educate in its fullest sense is to create conditions in which the child can live and is led by these conditions to live as fully as possible through each succeeding stage of his development, meeting and solving in his own experience the problems of each stage as it comes, and so gaining the power to meet and to solve the problems that await him in further stages. Such conditions it is for a school to provide."

How can we help our students reach their potential to the fullest?

Education should provide the opportunities for fullest development of individual’s talents and personality. It should help every child to develop their potential, interest and abilities. Through education, the teachers help students to reach their talent and potential and develop their personalities so that they can improve their lives and transform their societies in future.

Teaching goes beyond of trespassing information from teachers to students because teacher must help their students to learn about their strengths and then help them to learn the skills that they need to maximize their personal potential also to help them to set personal goals and to develop skills to achieve their goals.

After all, what is most important is not what students learn; teacher must emphasis in helping students to develop their skills to reach their personal goals and also to help them to overcome their weakness. Thus, the emphasis of education should never simply be to have students obtain knowledge but it should be to have students analyze, evaluate, use, and build upon what they have learned to reach their goals.

Base on that I as a pre-service teacher my main goal is that all my students learn about their strengths and interest, as well the skills that they need to set and follow to reach their goals and to develop their potential to the fullest.

How can we, teachers, be a source of inspiration to our students?

First able we need to define what inspiration is so inspiration is defined as  the action or power f moving the intellect or emotions of a person in other word inspiration is when we inspired other in order to make them want to be better in some specific way.

Teachers sometime think the little things that they do to help students to learn are very insignificant in their student’s life and this can happen because students don’t show their emotion to the teacher but it is well known that the little things that the teacher do can make big difference in students and that little difference can inspired students to learn and to reach their goals.

So what can teacher do to be a source of inspiration?

Some of the things that a teacher can do are

·         Teacher insists that each student do the best he or she is capable of doing. Students will feel comfortable because they know that their teacher believes in their capabilities and also that they can learn because the teacher is giving them the support that they need.

·         Teacher requires each student to think carefully and to make her his own decisions. Sometime students feel that they cannot make their own decision because of the self steam issue that their facing but if teacher give them the confidence and help them to believe in themselves and also tell them that there is nothing wrong with expressing their ideas and it is okay to be wrong sometimes because nobody is perfect as a result students are going to feel better with the teacher.

·       Teacher produces students who are respectful, responsible, and successful. If students learn from their teacher that they need to be respectful and responsible in order to be successful in life only in that way teacher have accomplished their purpose.

In conclusion what teachers do to help students learn and also how the teacher make feel the students in the classroom are the thing that can change student’s life forever. Teacher can be a source of inspiration for their students just with giving them confidence and believing in them also helping them to maximize their potential and helping them to set goals to be success in life.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

First blog entry

Transformation Pedagogy Model

Transformation pedagogy model goes beyond the academic purpose of transmitting knowledge from the teacher to the students, which is a mechanical process of transmitting and acquiring the information provided by the teachers also the transformation teaching might thus be seen as an antidote to an intense focus on informational teaching; in others words transformation pedagogy model is not only focuses in giving knowledge to the students but also it cares about student’s academically, socially and spiritually capabilities.

The transformation teaching responds to the students needs because it integrates teaching to the whole learner rather than attending separately to academic, social and spiritual goal. That is the case of informational teaching which focuses only in students academic abilities.

Another definitions of transformation pedagogy model is cite in the book “Transformation teaching in the information age” as an act of teaching designed to change the learner academically, socially and spiritually.
 Additionally the transformation teaching begins with the learner, and transformation learning involves deep understanding and occurs in the classroom where teachers have high expectations in their student’s capability. This means that the way teachers think and learners feel in school transcends the curriculum. Student’s feelings are a response to what the school or the teacher has done to satisfy or fulfill their needs as unique individuals.

To reach the goal of the transformation pedagogy model teacher have to contribute to encouraging students to desire lives of fulfillment is the most worthy teaching goal in addition  students succeed when they are able to know, are able to do and are able to be a better persons there is when the transformation teaching has accomplished its purpose.

Based on that learners need teacher to guide them in their learning but also encourage them to keep going in their learning in the same way how students feel in the classroom with their teacher may be more important than what they know and that is why is important to allows inspiring relationships between teachers and students besides that learners also need the authority of sensitive mentoring as they struggle with overcoming conceptual barriers within the discipline and within their own experiences.

How the transformation pedagogy model may impact service teacher’s lives

The transformation pedagogy model it may impact teachers life in many ways because it help teacher to teach students not only focusing in their academic development but also in their social and spiritual development but before teachers make changes in their students life they have to know themselves. They have to take into account their strengths and personal attributes. They have reflected on what matters most to them and also analyzed whether their teaching reflects their values.

Furthermore the transformation pedagogy model affects service teacher because teacher are though that they have to emphasized students academic capability ignoring the they are only teaching a part of the students because they are not taking into account the social and spiritual capabilities. The transformation pedagogy model help teacher to improve their teaching skill and change their goal as a teachers also they will realized that is better to teach to the whole learner than just a part of the learner.

Besides that not all teacher are focusing following the informational teaching because there are many teacher who are following the transformation teaching in order to make their students succeed in their life.
A good example of those teacher that follow the transformation pedagogy model is cite on the book “Transformation teaching in the information age”  reflecting on purpose tells the story of a middle-grade student who just knew he could not read. After a year of failure, he had stored up enough emotional road blocks to give up the effort. Then he met his 6th grade teacher, Iretta. She pulled him aside, looked him in the eyes and promised him that this year would change his life. Together they would succeed little by little, working together until he could read independently. It was not so much what she did that made the difference; it was who she was in the relationship with the learner. Iretta’s belief in Nathaniel changed his life.
In that way how Iretta change Nathaniel life teacher can make that little difference in teaching their students and that difference can make big changes in student’s life. The simplest acts of teaching and the well-chosen words of the teachers constitute spiritual action.

Teachers have the power to change students life if they teach with hope includes believing, really believing, in the potential of each and every learner and communicating that belief to the learner but the most important is that teacher reach this goal in their professional life they have accomplished their professional goal which is helping student to be succeed in life because they are the futures professionals.

How the transformation pedagogy model may impact pre-service teacher’s lives

Indeed the transformation pedagogy model affects teacher life but not also the service teacher because it also affects the pre-service teachers.

Pre- service teachers have to know the main goal of the transformation pedagogy model that is to focus on the relationship among teacher and students. Many people can say that pre-service teacher don not have enough experiences to teach but they have a lot of more opportunities to learn how to become success teachers and how to create a positive relationship with the students likewise if they learn the transformational pedagogy model before they start teaching, they will not make the same amount of mistakes that others teachers made when they were starting to teach and this is an advantage that the pre-service teachers have.
Hence the most important thing in the transformation pedagogy model the service and pre-service have to take into account is teach to inspire because students need the inspiration of teachers to find and reach their purpose in life.

To conclude whole teacher who integrate social and spiritual goals with academic will have more success in creating lifelong learner.