jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Third blog entry

What is the different between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching techniques and teaching strategies?

To know what are the different between teaching approach, teaching method, teaching technique and teaching strategies we have to know first each meaning.

Teaching approach
Teaching approach refers to a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. In others word teaching approach help teacher to help students to learn the language.

Teaching method
Teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction.  Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. The choice of teaching method or methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students.

Teaching technique
Teaching technique is systematic procedure, formula, or routine by which a ta is accomplished besides It is a particular trick, procedure to accomplish an immediate objective. In other words are the different activities the teachers do to help students to do a task.

Teaching strategies
Teaching strategies is generalized plan for a lesson or lessons which include structure, desired learner behavior, in terms of the goals of instruction and an outline of tactics necessary to implement the strategy. It also includes all approaches that a teacher may take to actively engage students in learning. These strategies drive a teacher's instruction as they work to meet specific learning objectives. Effective instructional strategies meet all learning styles and development needs of the learners.

Based on the definition of teaching approach, teaching method, teaching technique and teaching strategies I can indentify the difference between them are:
I learned that teaching approach is a set of theories and principles about the nature of language and language learning in other words teaching approach is refers to the teacher’s philosophies and belief about how is he going to help students to learn the language.  Teaching method is the way teacher apply these theories and principles also method is the plan that teachers use to present the language material to be learned for students.  Teaching technique are the tools and the tasks that teachers use to make their method succeed that is to say that teaching technique is a very specific trick or procedure designed to accomplish an immediate objective. Teaching strategy is a general plan that help teachers to reach the overall objectives also  strategies require teachers to link multiple tactics and techniques to achieve a higher goal. Based on that an approach is transfer into the method that contains the techniques with series of procedures and strategies that teachers implement to accomplish the objectives to help students to learn the language.
To conclude what I can say is that approach, method technique and strategy need to be applied for teachers in order to accomplish the educational aims.

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