jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Fourth blog entry

My experiences in learning a foreign language.

Learning a foreign language, it could be difficult for all the things that leaning a new language implies; at the very beginning it seems that is very difficult and sometimes you feel like you never are going to be able to communicate in the new language but never giving up is the key to succeed.

When I just started learning English as a foreign language, I was so excited because it is an interesting language to learn. I remember that when I started learning English I didn't know anything about the language because when I was in high school I didn't learn anything.  I decided to learn English because I was really interested in the language so I decided to study English.  I started learning English by myself trough the internet and watching videos like Ingles sin barreras and I can say that I learned a lot from those videos  at least I learned the basic things of English but at that time I felt that I needed to study English in a formal way because I needed to practice my English with other people also I needed someone to correct my mistakes so I decided to study English as a major because it was the best decision that I could ever make because I am learning English and at the same time I am studying to become a professional.

In addition I can say that I have learned a lot from my teacher, because I am in contact with the language and in some way I can play with the language with my classmates and the best of all I am corrected when I make mistakes.

 I characterize the teacher’s teaching method.

Teacher’s teaching method is effective only when it gives good result on students; if the method that the teacher applies in his classroom is effective I mean if students learn with that method that’s mean that they have made a good decision in selecting that method.
I think one of the most effective methods I have been thought is trough the “PPP” Presentation, Practice and Production “Presentation” involves presenting the target language to the students generally through testing the students to see if they know it and then providing the language. “Practice” is where the students practice the target language. “Production” is the stage of the lesson where the students take the target language and use it in conversations to talk about themselves or their daily lives or situations.

I find this method effective in students who already know at least a little bit of English because through the PPP students have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary, to practice that vocabulary and after that students can produce the vocabulary in daily conversations. But when it comes with students that don’t know English at all I think the grammar translation method could work out well because this would be their firsts contact with the language also teacher can explain something really well if students don’t have get the meaning of a word so that’s why a find this method effective with beginners.

But any method that the teacher decide to use it could work; if they apply  well the method the they have chosen but this also depends on the needs of the students and also in students capabilities.

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