viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Seventh blog entry

How can the standard-features word-processing programs be exploited for teaching writing skills?

All the standard-features word-processing help us to teach writing skills. Most of us are familiarize with word processing packages such as Microsoft Word and this because well have been using Microsoft office since we were in junior high school. Also help us when we have a document the required to be type on a computer but office not only helps us to present our teaching job but also help our students to elaborate their homework. Nowadays this kind of technology has become very important in our daily life because is not longer often to present a hand-written homework to our teachers.

Standard Features word processing are:
All word processing applications allow us to:
·         Enter and edit text
·         Save
·         Print
·         Cut/copy/paste
·         Check your spelling

This standard features word processing help us as well as our students, because it allows us to type our information and in the same way we are practicing our writing skill, while we are typing a lot of words, we also are remembering how to write those words and to express our thoughts when we are accomplishing specific task. Also it helps us to look for information; when we do not know exactly what should we write or when we do not know a certain word but the standard features word processing also check our spelling, because sometimes we are not so sure what is the correct way to write a word and this feature indicates us if we have committed a written spelling.

Base on that previous information, I can say that these features help us a lot because we can improve our writing skills as well as our students will improve their writing skills too.

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