jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Eighth blog entry

What can the World Wide Web offer ESL/EFL teachers?

The World Wide Web for sure it can help ESL/EFL teachers. The internet is very useful   for teaching English. Teachers can use it for getting information for their classes, including teaching plans and material for classroom use. 
There are a lot of pages in which teachers can put their students to study a specific topic because in the net we can find a lot of English pages, that were created with the purpose to help people to learn English in a easy way and the majority of these pages are easy for students to understand the contests and we can take advantages of these resource.

When we take advantage of these resource we are helping our students to learn in a better way, because they can find these pages interesting and the class it will be more dynamic and result more interesting for students because not all our students are interested in learning English but if we use these tools, we can stimulate our students to learn English also they are going to understand that the learning English could be a interesting and enjoyable process.

The internet is a way for students and teachers to learn and to connect with others for example the teacher can use the social networking to communicate with their students and to help them to accomplish a task; also the teacher can ask their students to send their homework to the teacher e-mail.

So the internet is an exciting resource for teacher. When teachers use the internet to teach the internet can make teachers’ live simpler and can provide more information and resources that help students to learn better also the internet can be fun for students and teachers alike.

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