sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Eleventh blog entry

Classroom Management

The classroom management refers to a process that teachers guarantee the classroom instruction, the order and effectiveness in which students will learn.

The main goal of classroom management from my point of view is to create and to maintain a good environment that allows students and the teacher to have a good relationship that facilitates the learning process of students.

 Classroom management is not just for teacher’s sanity. It is for the good of your students too. They cannot learn under a chaotic environment and the idea behind classroom management is to prepare them for the learning process

Also the classroom management refers to managing the students, studying in the classroom, the teacher and students’ behavior and the activity; it is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom. It contributes directly to the efficiency of teaching and learning as the most effective activities can be made almost useless if the teacher does not organize them efficiently.

Important principles of classroom management

  •    Be Definite Know what you want and expect in the classroom.
  •      Be Aware teachers have to be aware because students will misbehave. Things will go wrong. And this is our job to be aware of everything that can go wrong in class.
  •    Be Calm and Consistent teachers have to be calm and consistent throughout their class.  They have to treat them as they would treat another adult no matter how childish their behavior is.
  •   Give them Structure Children demand structure and order in the class.  After knowing what you want in your classroom, it’s time to explain that to your class. Tell them in details your expectations and how you want them to behave in your class.
  •   Be positive Always be on the lookout for good behavior and let them know that they are doing a good job.
  •    Be interested I think this is one of the most powerful principles in classroom management. By developing a good relationship with your students, you can influence them better towards better behavior and performance in the classroom.
  •     Be flexible Trust your instincts and judgment when the situation calls for some flexibility.
  •  Be Persistent The classroom management techniques you apply in class might not work immediately. Give it a chance to work before trying something else. Do not give up on your students. Understanding their family background can help you understand better why some of your students misbehave badly.

The effective use of classroom management by teacher it is very important for them to succeed in their job because, if teachers don’t know how to have a good classroom management, they won be able to do their job in the best way as they should, so that is why teachers have to know the importance of classroom management not only to do their job well but also to help students to learn in the best way as possible.

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