domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Ninth blog entry

Things I like about working with teenagers.

There are many things that I really like when it comes about teaching teenagers. Well we all already know that the teen years are a time of transition from becoming a dependent child to a young adult who is capable of taking care of themselves. During this stage of transitional physical and mental human development, teens tend to seek independence.

What I like about teaching teenagers is:

  •   Teenagers are highly motivated people, who have a desire to be involved in the class activities.
  •  They are enthusiastic; I sow this attitude, when I gave them interesting and meaningful activities in which they learned and had fun at the same time.
  • They are energetic; they really like to play fun actives and they always try to give the best of them but only when they are interested in the activity.
  • The passion of the students to be self dependent; they are always trying to do all the activities for themselves without the teachers help.
  • They like to ask question if they haven’t understood the topic of the class.

I really like these attitudes of teenagers because if they feel involved in the class and also if they feel interested in the activities they tent to learn easily and that is why teachers have to look for the most suitable activities for teenagers.

The things I don’t like about teaching teenagers are:

  •        They get distracted easily, especially when they are doing an activity in which they don’t feel interested in it.
  •       They are rebel because they don’t like to follow the rules and they want to do the things that they like to do even though, if those things are not good for their academic development.
  •         They are very talkative because they like to be taking in the class instead of being paying attention to the class.
  •          They are very competitive and as a result they get involved in faiths with their classmates.
  •          They complain about everything that happen to them

Even though teaching teenagers is a hard job is definitely a great experience to any teacher and I haven’t been the exception. I learned a lot from this experience because now I know how to teach teenagers; especially I know how they behaved and in the future when I have to teach teenagers again I will be ready to help them to learn in the best way possible.

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