domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Tenth blog entry

My motives for teaching

My main motive for teaching is that trough teaching I have the opportunity to help others to be able to reach their dreams and their full potential; I see this as legate for the future generations. Also I get motivated when I see people learn at least a little bit from me and that makes me want to keep going in the same way and to get better as a teacher. I want to become a teacher in order to transmit knowledge of what I know and all the things that I have learned.

Rewards or incentives I got from teaching.

To get rewards or incentives go beyond of having a salary every month for me it is more important to help others to reach and to make their dreams come true; I think money is a plus but what it really matters to me is that I have the opportunity to change somebody life and to help that person to succeed in life. When my students learn the contents, they do the activities that I prepared for them;  when I see that they have accomplish the activity, there is when I get my reward because I have helped somebody to learn and that is a priceless feeling to any teacher;  that is definitely the best award to me.

Do my motives interfere with my students needs?

I don’t think that my motives interfere with my ability to put the needs of my students ahead or mine because my main motive is to help my students to learn in order for them to reach their dreams and their full potential and this is also my rewards because when it comes about my work as a teacher this is the best reward that any teacher can get because there is nothing better than to see others learning and becoming successful.

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