domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Reflection on my Teaching

Reflecting on my Teaching

Was the instructional objectives met? How do you know students learned what intended?

Yes, It was met because my objective for the present simple class was “at the end of the class students will be able to use the simple present correctly” and they learned how to use the simple present during the class and I know that because they did a homework and base on that homework I realized that they learned also when I did the review they demonstrated that they had learned the simple present.

Were the students productively engaged? How do you know?

My students were productively engaged because they performed all the activities well, when I thought them simple present. I had prepared for them interesting and effective activities in order for them to learn the simple present in an easy form and they did; also I tried to look for the most suitable activities for them.

Did you alter your instructional plan as you taught the lesson? Why?

No, I did not alter my instructional plans because I consider myself as a very organized person and maybe a little bit too much. I like to have everything prepared and also I like to have some extra activities just in case of one activity would not work  well in the class, but I did not need any of the extra activities, that I had prepared because I chose the most suitable activities for my students and those activity worked well in the class so that is why I did not alter my instructional plan for the simple present class.

What additional assistance, support or sources would have further enhanced this lesson?

To present the simple present I did it through poster. The poster helped me to teach them because every time I thought them a class and I used a poster or any other support to give the class; I realized that students paid more attention when I used posters, audios or flashcards and that is why every class I tried to have additional assistance.

If you had the opportunity to teach the lesson again to the same group of students, would you do anything differently? What? Why?

Well I think that I did a good job when I tough the class of simple present but also I know that I have to improve more to be better when I am teaching. I think if I had the opportunity to teach the lesson again I would not make a lot of change because I think I succeed teaching the  simple present, but I would change when I was asking for participation, because not all of them did participate in the class but the majority did, but if I had the opportunity I would like to make all of them participate, I would look for some activities that would help me to make them participate, but that is the only thing that I would change about the simple present class.

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